Tuesday, November 22, 2005

destroyed by naivety

so my last entry was pretty long. i fear it's detered some from reading it. either that or i've just been forgotten, swept into the past and given up for lost. anyway, the comments at least have been slacking. this is a two-way relationship people. and right now i'm giving a lot more than i'm recieving. see there, i've even set up a nice and easy gay joke for you. i actually swapped numbers with a moroccan guy the other day who is definatly gay. he sang for me and liked to hold my arm as we walked. i think i'll go visit him this week and take him shopping with me. it's down to gift-buying time here. well, i mainly wanted to tell you all about how easily i'm taken advantage of (see, another one. i'm expecting some good stuff here.) so anyway, i'll keep this one short. i was out walking today, looking for a pirated copy of the new harry potter movie and some bannanas when this guy walks up to me and says he recognizes me from the hotel. well, not wanting to embarass him since he seems to be so happy about seeing me, i just play along. "oh yeah, i love my room. it's been great. such a nice hotel." and he tells me that the manager is a hard-nosed jew and that he's soon quitting his job. well, we walk around for a while and he's pointing things out to me, just like a tour guide. he actually shows me this really cool morning market i didn't know existed where they sell fruit and birds and flowers and beer. yeah, beer in a muslim country. it's true. "for when i want to relax" he says. he also shows me a bookstore that actually sells english books. another place whose existence i was unaware of. so, after about half an hour of this and after seeing the "largest mosque in the world" (bullcrap) he says something about a gift for his son who has just turned four. he'd like to buy him a picture book. and i'm not really sure if he means he'd like to buy one or if he'd like me to buy one. it becomes pretty clear when he drags me back to the bookstore and picks out a nice, thick picture book and says this would be a great gift for me to buy. well, i can't very well back out now. after all, he did just show me the largest mosque in the world. and so i give him almost all i have on me, 50 dirhams (about six dollars) and even though this doesn't cover the entire cost he assures me he can pay the rest. so i'm feeling very good about myself, thinking of the joy on this poor child's face who lives in the mountains and may never have seen such a beautiful book, when my friend (mustafa was his name, so he told me) puts the book back down and leaves. doesn't even pretend to buy it. doesn't even pull the wal-mart trick and take it back the next day. no way, he goes straight off with my money, laughing the whole time. probably back to the beer market. what a fool i am. oh well, let God judge i suppose. i won't be the one burning in eternal fire for so shamelessly decieving a hapless american. man i'm an idiot. i just need to go back to the camels and desert people where no one knows what money is and where no one speaks english well enough to decieve me.


Blogger Unknown said...


If we had an exciting life like you do, we would respond more to your cool stories. As you post more about your experience, maybe we can respond more.

4:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you ever going to bring in Osama when you can't even take down one of his low-level players?
Carry your Frodo dagger with you and that'd show him a few things....until he pulls out his semi-automatic weapon that he's been hiding who knows where (probably up his cleft asshole) and kills you. OK, nevermind - not a good idea. But don't give away any of your money. By the time you get back here, you'll probably be borderline third-world as far has how much money you will have.

6:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin, I found this really neat gay bar right down the street from where I live. When you get back, we'll hit it up on a Friday night.

10:10 pm  
Blogger Kyle said...

Yes, Danny is pretty boring.

So. You were like a jilted prom date. Good for you. Happily, six bucks is not a fortune, at least not in the States. It might buy a candy bar in England. Maybe. In case you wondered.

Now you might burn for piracy, if you believe in that sort of thing.

pax tecum

7:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, i finally found someone to give me your blogger information (you'd think this was top secret stuff). i told you i'd try to stay in touch. all i can say about your life is WOW, and i bet it was really an amazing picture book. take care, and happy thanksgiving!

11:57 pm  
Blogger Me said...

now justin, you've had more than enough time over there to figure these things out-- you should've seen that coming! silly american.

finals are approaching and i'm depending more and more on your soothing voice to put my troubled mind to sleep each night. i don't know what i'd do without you.

when are you coming home? take care and keep writing...

12:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes you are a faggot. listen. you need to let me know when it is you are getting back and what youre doing between jan. 3 and 12. do you know why? because we're going to california in a van. and youre going to go. dwayne already backed out...do you know why? because he bought his bitch a plane ticket up to see him in michigan. what a vagina-face. its looking like its going to be me and jlo and nate and meyers. and you. so let me know.
coy ray

2:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oK, So I have to fill you in on a funny situation. Roger and i have known for a while that there are 3racoons that are constantly on our back porch and in our garbage. sometimes you can even hear them on the roof or so we thought. i was cooking in the kitchen a while back and heard the racoons. i thought they were on the roof but they were very very loud. the light in the kitchen even started to flicker. i looked up and sticking out of the light ficture was a racoons pawl. i screamed and ran to get roger. roger, being roger thought i had lost my mind. so he went in the kitchen and then ran back out when he saw a racoons nose sticking through the light ficture. we called samples and redman (they are the manly people) and they arrived with a huge knife, a golf club, a bat and an axe. they went up in our attic and found racoon droppings everywhere and even a baby diaper from when the racoons got into our garbage and carried it up there. we have discovered that they are living in the attic and they are getting in through a whole in the roof. because it is getting cold outside they are trying to get into the house. the school is going to set up some traps for us so we can get rid of them. but anyway...i would have emailed this to you but i'm to lazy to log into my email. hope you have a safe trip back.

1:44 am  

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