Sunday, September 18, 2005

best friends do everything together

i got to see a lot of people i really care about this weekend. i also recieved a copy of my good friend colt's complete album which i listened to all the way home, the title being "falls of rough: best friends do everything together." except take showers of course... now, while some may like to dispute that claim and offer their own, perhaps titled "best friends do everything together, especially shower, and also slumber party, picnic, organize crime and various types of sexual experimentation," (i am not descirbing my own friendships here) i however, for the next three months, will have to live by my own claim titled "best friends do nothing together." which is why this blog exists. even if you are of the opinion blogs are useless and boring, you'll have to admit they're at least not as bad as unwanted mass emails. you know the type. although flattered that someone thought you a close enough freind to include you on their email update list, you none the less immdeiatly delete such emails as soon as you realize the impersonality of them. well, this blog will be a way for all of you who really do care to be able to check in on me and my adventures at your own pace. i won't force my thoughts and stories on you. come of your own will. come and drink deeply of my waters. come and be amazed, delighted and alarmed at the various scoundrals i befriend and the mysterious women i entertain. and maybe, if you leave me a nice comment, i'll find within myself the grace to send you a personal email. or maybe i'll get lonely and send you lots of them regardless. i leave monday and from here on out my entries will be exciting and relevent. to me of course. but hopefully to you as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
im from saudia arabia,jeddah
im concider your idea about frinds
i want to be frinds
if you dont heat arab.

nickel back photograph

1:48 pm  

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