Friday, October 28, 2005

i left my heart in the wilderness

alright, this is slightly girlish of me but i'm secure enough to go through with it. here's an amazing poem i found. this is how i want to live my life.

To the primal wonders no road can ever lead; they are not so won.
To know them you shall leave road and roof behind;you shall go light and spare.
You shall win them yourself, in sweat, sun, laughter,in dust and rain, with only a few companions.
You shall know the night - its space, its light, and its music.
You shall see earth sink in darkness and the universe appear.
No roof shall shut you from the presence of the moon.

You shall see mountains rise in transparent shadow before dawn.
You shall see- and feel! -first light, and hear a ripple in the stillness.
You shall enter the living shelter of the forest.
You shall walk only where the wind has walked before.
You shall know immensity,and see continuing the primevil forces of the world.
You shall know not one small segment but the whole of life,strange, miraculous, living, dying, changing.

You shall face immortal challenges; you shall dare,delighting, to pit your skill, courage, and wisdom against colossal facts.
You shall live lifted up in light;You shall move among clouds.
You shall see storms arise, and, drenched and deafened,shall exult in them.
You shall top a rise and behold creation.
And you shall need the tongues of angels to tell what you have seen.

by Nancy Newhall, written for Ansel Adams

stories from the desert to come. right now i must go to my bed and cry out my depression caused by the fact that i live in a big, crowded city and not with the desert folk. god bless them and their smelly, noisy camels. i can't even see the stars here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin - you're safe and sound.
I hope that by the next posting, you can get that left over sand from the desert out of your vagina.
Seriously, though, I'm glad you're back safe and sound.

12:27 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin - you're my role model and quite possibly my soulmate. I want to leave my life here in this evil country studying useless things and live in close communion with nature and more simple folk just like you... I'm glad you survived the desert. I love you, and I'm wearing your jersey right now.

1:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the position of Justin's soulmate is already taken.

6:01 pm  

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