Thursday, October 20, 2005

he called me john

so the other day i called a guy i had met last week who offered to give me arabic lessons. he said he'd meet me outside of my apartment at five o'clock and we'd go to his house. he sounded sort of weird on the phone though and even though he's an english teacher he had a hard time understanding what i was saying. but i thought it must just be the phone. so at about 4:30 he calls again and asks if "i can get out of my bed to come meet him?" so i go downstairs and amstanding there, looking for my friend khalid, when this young kid with nice clothes and slicked-back hair walks up from behind, grabs my arm and starts walking with me, and introduces me to his friend halawa as if it were the most natural thing in the world. in fact, i think he may have even called me by name. he even tells me he'sbeen trying to call me. yes, 4 or 5 times in the past few weeks. so i almost tell him i'm meeting someone and can't walk with him but he seems absolutly confident that i'm supposed to be with him. so i start trying to rationalize what's going on. i look at him really hard tomake sure this isn't the same khalid with a different hairstyle. when i'msure it's a totally different person i think, maybe it's khalid's brother who i never met and he forgot to mention. but things get weirder. his friends are calling him khalid. so ihave no idea what's going on. he takes meto his car, a new volks wagon, he must be loaded, and we get in and as 5 more moroccan guys pile in the backseat he pops in a backstreet boys casset and they all start singing along as loudly as they can. he tells me this is where he learned english; from nick and the boys. and they're all acting like they know me and i'm their best little white friend. so by this time i'm laughing to myself as to the absurdity of the situation. and we start driving out of town. for all i know, they could be taking me to algeria to sellme into slavery. but instead we go to this guy's house (which is nicer than mine and a lot nicer than matt's.) and i meet his sister and mother and they introduce me to "an animal" which turns out to be this really ugly guy they all make fun of. and they tell me that the guy i'm sitting next to likes men and not women. so i teach them the invaluable english word "gay". and after we break the ramadan fast with lots of sweets, little baked fish, and one huge, whole fish that they call "the mother", we watched somemoroccan television and went back out to hit the town. so they take me to the Hawiian billiards hall and we play some pool. with mariah cary blasting in the background. of course, they love her too. along with 50 cent and shaggy. yes, all the best of american music. they also love weed on occasion. but not during ramadan. so after i get beat 2 out of 3 at pool, they all have to go back to work and i tell them i need to go my new friend khalid, who never once showed any suprise in finding me waiting for him outside of my apartment, walks me homeand promises to call me next week. wow. i can just imagine, after i shake hands with them in departure and they give me their numbers and smile and laugh and hug me and i walk out, all of them looking at each other as they wave to me and saying "who the hell was that guy?" so that is how i came to spend an evening with perfect strangers. i later find out, in a freak coincidence, that the guy who worked here this summer with jay patterduss, had used the same phone i'm using and had also befriended a guy named khalid who i accidentally called instead of my khalid. his name was john. so younever know what might happen in good ole morocco. who might pretend to know you in order to take you to his home for dinner, cruise around town with you, and buy you three games of pool. oh the machinations of the rich young moroccan mind. but it doesmake one think. if in america, a friend of yours whom you hadn't seen for a couple of months calls and arranges to meet with you and when you show up at the appointed pllace and time and a complete stranger is instead waiting for you, would you take them to your house and feed them and offer them drugs and alcohol when ramadan is over? i think not. i wish america whould be more open; more friendly and trusting. a place where you don't have to think twice about suggesting illegal activity with a stranger.

so on a more serious note, i am off to the desert for a week. mind you, not just any desert, The Desert. the sahara. my supervisor is sersiously forcing me to make out a will because we're not going with a local guide and the man driving us is apparently not one whose knowledgable friends jump at the chance to ride with. so it should be a real adventure. unfortunatly it will only be a week long, or will it... oh, and congratulations to georgetown. i don't know many details yet but it seems she has finally been freed of the evil that was gathering around her. so no promises of posts from the middle of nowhere. survive as best youcan. perhaps you can copy my previous posts to your computer and read them in a new font or different color and it will be like hearing from me anew. and in the meantime, i'll be thinking of you all as i cross the blazing sands and try to find some kind nomads to take me in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's rich. You can't make that stuff up. By the way, since you're writing your will, can I have pink panther if you die?

4:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin - don't get lost...and take a sword with you; a good English longsword...
Hey, and if everyone in America was as open as they are in Morocco; we'd all be dead. Actually, I'm surprised you're not dead already - thank goodness for that weed you're friend had; it probably chilled him out and made him forget that he hates Americans...

8:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell yes Backstreet Boys are the epitome of American musical culture. If I had known 6 years ago that you would be having the experience you are now I would have saved the 100's of posters I had coating my bedroom walls. Seriously. I thought Brian Littrell was my soulmate. So yay for your Moroccan friends, they certainly know where it's at.

Oh, and to comment on the previous post, I'm happy you have found the same kind of caressing love and affection from Moroccan men that you now miss from your PHA brothers. I guess it's cool that a 15-yr-old boy washed you. But seriously, once you start washing young boys you're really going to have to learn to control those sexual impulses.

don't die in the desert, i don't think your eternal love soulmate could live on in your absence. seriously, i doubt skew would make it.

11:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin, I would say be safe and hurry back home. But I think we all now know that you were meant to stay in Morocco. You were meant to frolic with 15 year old boys in bath houses; you were meant to find your moroccan soul mate and smoke weed with him til your hearts content; you were meant to give the gayness, not just take it as you have for so many years.
Enjoy your new life, and screw you for the comment about my living conditions.

4:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The message above was from Matt Wade, by the way.

5:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...there was a Reba McEntire song from some years ago along these lines. "His name was...John." Something like that.

4:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of you...
Dont be safe and do things that everyone else would never do. That's the best way.....When are you done in December?? I need to know in case I can come over there....

12:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool. I'm jealous too I think. 3rd grade is pushing me over the edge. If only I could take a brief hiatus in Morroco, I might last til Christmas. ..

Keep the stories coming John.


7:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's good to read about your adventures. I recently discovered your blog and I have found it interesting. Sorry about Khalid, John and I met and befriended some interesting people. I though never knew our phone number so I couldnt give it out. Hope all is going well...I heard you and the folks there are having some issues...or at least they said you have some? Glad to see it wasnt just John and I they clashed well not glad, but relieved to know it wasn't as much my fault as I thought. Tell them I said hello and I hope they are doing well.

2:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what can i good friend is doing many of the things i wish i could. Your the man!!!! Pick me up some sand rub it on your penis and send it home. MMMMMM.... i cant wait.

10:25 pm  

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