Sunday, September 25, 2005

normal people speak english

well, i am here. youll have to excuse the lack of apostrophes and exclamation points as this keyboard is labled in french and arabic only and i cant find either key. really frustrating when i want to use words such as hell. see, you cant tell if i meant to say he will or hell can you? oh, and i also cant find the qutation marks. so youll never know if this is all original material or if my amazing wit is due to serious plagorism... but yes, this is the first time ive been in a country where english wasnt at least the second most common language. everything here is in either arabic or french. in fact, on my way in the customs officer asked me something about my passport in french. and so i just stood there like an idiot and mumbled something in english until he assumed i was mentally retarded and let me through. but, no fear, i am currently taking classes to remedy the problem. i sat down for my first lesson, the teacher walked in and immediatly started off in arabic. no mercy from her. i think she may have used 3 english words the entire time i was there. and on top of that, i really did feel mentally retarded when we started going through the personal pronouns and she sat there reciting them to me as i tried to copy her. i can just imagine how i would feel alone in a room with someone who spoke no english repeating he over and over again. so thats my exciting life so far. i live alone and go to bed at 11 every night. just like an old man. but i am alive and i have found this nice internet cafe so dont worry, as soon as things heat up youll hear more from me. oh, and i only assume by the lack of comments that you all tried to leave them in such quantity that the system shut itself down and didnt register any of them. im terribly sorry about that. but the problem has been fixed. you no longer hqve to register for this website to leave a comment and can in fact do so completely anonymously. ill be back soon and perhaps next time ill hqve discovered where all the fun symbols are and youll all be able to read what i have to say painlessly. be well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it's Jaime. Don't worry lots of good people in the world go to bed at 11, sometimes even earlier. Good luck with the language. Peace.

5:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good know that you are alive and are doing well. I know the frustrations with the keyboard. when I was backpacking in europe I had to use some funky keyboards.

9:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well. shit fire. it appears you are a retard because you don't know arabic. i mean, thats an easy one. anyway, we had our first practice without you on friday. it was depressing, especially with me making a feable attempt at singing and playing. well, i guess thats the way the damn fudge round crumbles. anyway, its good to see you arent dead. come back and sing. ass.
with love, coy ray

9:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, good to see they didn't put you in a home. By that I mean a home like the one my parents live next to, where people rock on the front porch and shout stuff from time to time that could be Arabic, I don't know. How strange would that be if someone got stuck in an assisted living facility because they didn't speak English and everyone assumed they were mentally retarded. Actually, that might make for a great short story... Okay, that's enough insensitivity for one post. Anyway, seconding Jaime's comment, there's nothing wrong with living alone or going to bed at 11. This week I'm doing both. Rock on. When you're laying your lovely head down to sleep, I'll be looking up at the stars same as you, and we'll feel a warm and fuzzy connection. Or maybe we're in different time zones and we'll have night at different times, and in fact see different constellations due to being in different hemispheres. Darn that movie An American Tail for lying to us. So how are the constellations there? I bet you can see the stars pretty well through your thatched-roof hut. That's all for now. Ooh, I like fudge rounds.

6:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt said...

Justin, going to bed at 11 is part of the American dream, embrace it. Soon enough you'll be working in a cubicle, coming home to a microwaved TV dinner, and watching shows about celebrity gossip.
Anyway, what are your living conditions like. I can't help but envision you living in something similar to what my good friend John described. You know, thatched roof and such. Do you have a TV? Nice bed? Toilet paper? Slave? Tell us EVERYTHING. We know you have nothing better to do.

2:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo. Glad to hear you made it safely and the striking mechanics didn't attack the bankrupt aircraft. yeesh. going to bed at 11 is cool. everybody's doing it. seriously, from my general survey of this year's seniors, most are lights out by like 12. so, being a year closer to geezerdom, 11 is totally appropriate for you. you're right on track, old fogey. way to go.

12:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good to know that you have been enrolled in the First School of Special Children in Fez. We are very proud. As I've looked at the blog, one thing has occured to me. When Justin says that he wishes he were a tiger, he is not speaking of the powerful ruler of the jungle who prays upon gazelle. No we should understand Justin's desire to be a tiger as a lament for his past four years at Georgetown. Perhaps the title of the blog should be, "I wish I were still at Georgetown because that was the apex of my life." It has a nice ring to it doesn't it.

12:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Justin! I'm glad to hear that you made it ok and that you are helping bridge the gap between us Americans and our Arab friends. As of tomorrow I will also be in a foreign country. Luckily, the country I'm going to founded the pure English language that we have desecrated (at least according to the Brits). Good luck over there.


1:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just now figured this blog crap out. Justin, if you don't write in the next 5 days (it is now Oct. 6th), I'll assume the worst - that you've been taken out in some Moroccan forest and ass-raped mercilessly by some arab rednecks that are equivalent to those bastards who ass-raped the guy in "Deliverance". I love ya.

5:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Calvin wanted to let you know that he is starting to talk a little. Ok, well, he's making sounds. He likes to say "HEEEYYY"

Hope you're having a blast.

9:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin, you suck at this blogging thing. Guess we'll talk to you when you get back.


8:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in fact, on my way in the customs officer asked me something about my passport in french. and so i just stood there like an idiot and mumbled something in english until he assumed i was mentally retarded and let me through.

He looked at you that way? You said that he was the one speaking French, right?

11:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey partner,
So i wanted to let you know we just finished our 5th countess dewinter song with my vocals. its shaping up to be...interesting. i hope youre having fun in the desert. i am completely jealous of the cool and random shit you are encountering. oh, and i broke up with cristy. for good. that was about 2 weeks ago. i thought you would be proud. its working out pretty good. except that for the following week afterward i stayed in a drunken stupor because i was so stressed out about it. then i got sick from all the booze and cigarettes. it appears i can only abuse my body so much. but i did make out with a freshman girl in that time period, so that was cool. anyway, i cant wait to see you when you get back. dont die in the desert.
with love, coy ray

8:50 pm  

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