Sunday, September 25, 2005

normal people speak english

well, i am here. youll have to excuse the lack of apostrophes and exclamation points as this keyboard is labled in french and arabic only and i cant find either key. really frustrating when i want to use words such as hell. see, you cant tell if i meant to say he will or hell can you? oh, and i also cant find the qutation marks. so youll never know if this is all original material or if my amazing wit is due to serious plagorism... but yes, this is the first time ive been in a country where english wasnt at least the second most common language. everything here is in either arabic or french. in fact, on my way in the customs officer asked me something about my passport in french. and so i just stood there like an idiot and mumbled something in english until he assumed i was mentally retarded and let me through. but, no fear, i am currently taking classes to remedy the problem. i sat down for my first lesson, the teacher walked in and immediatly started off in arabic. no mercy from her. i think she may have used 3 english words the entire time i was there. and on top of that, i really did feel mentally retarded when we started going through the personal pronouns and she sat there reciting them to me as i tried to copy her. i can just imagine how i would feel alone in a room with someone who spoke no english repeating he over and over again. so thats my exciting life so far. i live alone and go to bed at 11 every night. just like an old man. but i am alive and i have found this nice internet cafe so dont worry, as soon as things heat up youll hear more from me. oh, and i only assume by the lack of comments that you all tried to leave them in such quantity that the system shut itself down and didnt register any of them. im terribly sorry about that. but the problem has been fixed. you no longer hqve to register for this website to leave a comment and can in fact do so completely anonymously. ill be back soon and perhaps next time ill hqve discovered where all the fun symbols are and youll all be able to read what i have to say painlessly. be well.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

best friends do everything together

i got to see a lot of people i really care about this weekend. i also recieved a copy of my good friend colt's complete album which i listened to all the way home, the title being "falls of rough: best friends do everything together." except take showers of course... now, while some may like to dispute that claim and offer their own, perhaps titled "best friends do everything together, especially shower, and also slumber party, picnic, organize crime and various types of sexual experimentation," (i am not descirbing my own friendships here) i however, for the next three months, will have to live by my own claim titled "best friends do nothing together." which is why this blog exists. even if you are of the opinion blogs are useless and boring, you'll have to admit they're at least not as bad as unwanted mass emails. you know the type. although flattered that someone thought you a close enough freind to include you on their email update list, you none the less immdeiatly delete such emails as soon as you realize the impersonality of them. well, this blog will be a way for all of you who really do care to be able to check in on me and my adventures at your own pace. i won't force my thoughts and stories on you. come of your own will. come and drink deeply of my waters. come and be amazed, delighted and alarmed at the various scoundrals i befriend and the mysterious women i entertain. and maybe, if you leave me a nice comment, i'll find within myself the grace to send you a personal email. or maybe i'll get lonely and send you lots of them regardless. i leave monday and from here on out my entries will be exciting and relevent. to me of course. but hopefully to you as well.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

responsible blogging

i rather like this template. it feels cozy and slightly kiddish. i almost went with a pink one but it didn't really fit the tiger title. tigers are certainly not pink animals. clearly not outwardly but also, when you think "tiger," pink doesn't spring to mind unless it be the raw oozing pink from the insides of some freshly caught game smeared across the tiger's normally un-pink jaws and sharp, very un-pink teeth and claws. no, when i think "tiger," much cooler colors come to mind. such as the ones you find on this template. which is why i chose it. all of this to say, i will try my very best to be a responsible blogger and not ramble on about things no one cares to listen to, or read about in this case, such as the noumenal (kant. look him up. it's good for you) color of tigers. thanks to john ( for inspiring me to write this and convincing me blogs were not just dead-end outlets for the emotional ramblings of depressed high schoolers. i guess you'll all be thanking him as well after reading all the amazing things i have to say and wondering how you ever lived without.

on a side note, i'll try to refrain from using such words as "blogging" in the future as their use contributes to the above mentioned blog stereotype.