Thursday, December 08, 2005

oh what i'd kill for a heater

yes it's been a while. but believe it or not, i've been busy. i've actually been working all day long for the past couple weeks. uncharacteristicly, i put off a lot of work until the very last second. so i've been adding a french and german narration to this brilliant video i've created. of course, being fluent in both languages not to mention the dozen or so others i've picked up, this was no problem. right. busy for th last two weeks. but now i am finished and have moved to the mountains for the time being. it's cold. i sleep under four blankets and in my clothes (which i've worn for three days straight now cause we have no water and i'm not bathing outside in the gutter). i have a new friend. his name is trey, he plays guitar and although he only weighs about 180 pounds and is pretty tidy, i'm sure he'd go to formal with carolyn if she asked. but before moving up to the mountains with the children and clean air, trey stayed with me for a while in fes. we were sitting around one day, waiting to go to dinner at someone's house, when the doorbell rings. i hate my doorbell. it's really loud and it usually turns out to be someone looking for the acupuncturist on the floor below and not me at all. so i go and open the door and there stand two young girls. they couldn't have been more than 16. well, they start off in french and so i ask trey (who speaks french) what the hell is going on. and he says she's askig for a glass of water and a japanese guy. weird. so i go get her the water but unfortunatly don't have any japanese guys so she thanks us and leaves. trey looks at me and says "she asked if we wanted to take a nap." yeah. this girl and her friend wanted to spend the night. i've never really been solicited for sex before, especially by door-to-door hookers, so i was sort of shocked. i mean, one girl had her head covered and was still wearing her little mermaid backpack from school. do their parents know what they're up to? is this a popular hobby for their friends? and where does the japanese guy come in? but apparently this is pretty common over here. which is really sad, despite how funny the situation was. so next time someone rings your doorbell and asks for some mountain dew and a latino man, know something's not right. unless you happen to be in africa. then don't worry, it's just another day.